Battery Point
Battery Point, Portishead
Battery Point at Portishead is one of those places I've known about for years but never actually photographed as its so close to home. Partly due to Covid travel restrictions I made it a bit of a mission recently.
For those not familiar; Portishead, not to be confused with the 90's/naughties music band - of whom I'm a great fan :-), sits on the coast just South of the entrance to the Avonmouth / Bristol docks. Battery Point is a channel / navigation marker for the ships, which are pretty large, entering and departing the docks. As the tidal range is large the sea height can vary from well below or totally surrounding its lower parts.
As any landscape photographer will know, a good photograph often requires many visits to a location before light and conditions align with the minds eye. The photograph above is no exception; I'd been at least five times previously, coming away with ok images but not what I was looking for. On this particular occasion I very nearly didn't visit as the clouds looked a little heavy at home and I thought the tide may be a little high. But I did go and conditions were just about perfect! Persistence, pays :-)
But there is more at Portishead than just Battery Point and I've now got a couple of other ideas on the go. I'm now waiting for the gods to smile again.